There are many factors that decide the price of a visa application. Most of all though, it is the country of origin of a traveller that decides the cost.
When it comes to visa pricing, there is no rule. Countries are arbitrary and sometimes, downright haughty when setting visa prices for visitors.
For Americans, the arbitrariness of the whole process is even starker. While US travelers can access about 174 countries visa-free, some countries levy prohibitively expensive visa costs on Americans.
Here is a list of the 5 most expensive visas in the world:
- Nigeria
A Nigerian visa costs Americans a whopping $275. If Nigeria was way down on your to-travel list, we’re sure it dropped even further. The country has had a prickly relationship with the west after years of military rule.
Nigerian visas are costly
- Congo Republic
Another African country makes the list, with a visa to Congo Republic pegged at $200 for Americans. It could be a retaliatory measure, since America is stringent with its visa issuing processes in the war-torn republic.
- Algeria
Algeria has always had a hostile relationship with the US, dating back to the Algerian War of Independence and the years of undemocratic government in the country since. Therefore, it’s not surprise that a $190 charge is levied on visas.
- Azerbaijan & Brazil
Get an expensive Brazilian visa in here
Both Azerbaijan and Brazil charge US travelers about $180 a visa approval, but for varying reasons. Azerbaijan charges as much as a result of its corrupt and authoritarian regime. Brazil on the other hand has an overvalued currency in Brazilian real, making the country more expensive.
- Russia
Russia, with its legacy of hostility with America, had to be feature in this list. Though the country might have expressed its opposition to American capitalist society in many forums over the year, nothing makes the point clearer than charging US travelers $ 173 just for visa approval.
Russia doesn’t like you. But it likes the money.
If you think all those visa prices quoted there are exorbitant, let’s just remind ourselves that America charges most non-immigrant visa applicants about $160. This can go up to almost $190, for people traveling on specific assignments, like work permits and religious visas.