The first step to travelling abroad is to get all your personal information together for the visa application.
Travelling the world means travelling through a lot of nations and immigration routines. It all begins at the visa application stage, which is the most thorough screening of a potential visitor undertaken by a country’s immigration authority. Making sure it goes without a hitch becomes the traveller’s responsibility.
Seeing how that is, here are a few documents you must keep in handy, when applying for a visa:
Health Certificates
This applies to people with chronic conditions and/or major ailments in the past. Many countries take objection to letting in sufferers of such condition and will require you to furnish a medical certificate to prove your travel fitness. Pre-empt such hassles by getting an authorization from a doctor anyway.
In rude health
Tax Returns
A lot of countries put great store in a visa applicant’s tax return record. In an attempt to prevent potential launderers and fraudsters from entering their country, a lot of immigration authority check a person’s complete tax history. They may even search the database for any defaults in the person’s name.
Taxing times
Valid Passport
A valid passport is an obvious necessity at a visa application interview. Most countries require a passport with at least 6 months’ validity left after the date of intended departure from the destination country.
The proof of nationality
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Police Records
Certain countries require a police verification of a person’s character before granting a visa. For others, it is limited to people who have been convicted previously. Other situation-specific documents required include an Army letter, a pensioner’s certificate or anything which entitles you to state benefits.
A shot of law & order
If you have the following documents, most visa procedures should be easy enough. However, brace yourself for nation specific quirks, which might send you digging up some obscure personal record, either academic or professional. You don’t want the first step in your sojourn abroad to be fraught with so many obstacles!